Wednesday 7 March 2012

Early screenshots of Snow Go (2)

More of my time is spent testing that my designs are even possible than actually designing the levels. And correcting draw lists.

Here are some new screenshots of new completed segments for your enjoyment. Tonight they revolve mainly around penguins, with the exception of the first shot. Again, these are subject to change.

Clever jumping nets you more boxes and lives, and conveniently
dodges all Nitros in the vicinity.

Penguin heads make great trampolines.

This penguin's got itself in a dangerous situation...

These penguins have found boxes and look very
proud of themselves for doing so.

Might not be any update tomorrow as Mario Kart recording must take place. Still, I shall see what I can do. See you all again!


  1. Oh man, it's looking great. Hopefully you can get the difficulty to behave. I'm game for a challenge if you can pull it off properly though.

    1. Challenging but not unfair, that's my aim. You'll need to know your controls well, however all the alterations will be distinctly possible ;)

      Half the fun of creating a mod of this nature is working out if my mad ideas for new puzzles can actually work. And it's very satisfying when they do.

  2. I'm not entirely sure how to pass screenshot 3. This game is worrying me already. :P
